Security Gates… must I have mains electricity at the gate?
No, you no longer need electric mains to power your gate. At last, you have a choice solar power. Solar Gate Systems have a UK proven solar powered security gate system, that really works. Solar powered automatic security gates offer an alternative to mains powered security gates, especially where mains electric is not available or it is not viable to lay expensive cables. After extensive testing in the UK and now with many systems installed, Solar powered automatic security gates really are the alternative to a padlock and chain.

The solar powered gate opener advantage:
No need to dig up your drive to lay expensive electric cables
Free running costs, Green energy
Power cuts won’t interrupt your entrance or exit
Can literally locate anywhere, as mains not required
High tech accessories developed especially for solar
We use super efficient daylight sensitive solar panels
So if you need the security of keeping your gates closed to unwanted visitors, YET want the flexibility and ease of secure access for those who you do want to let in, and do not have mains electric to hand, then we can HELP.
Solar panels provide a charge for powerful leisure batteries, which provide ample power is the best solution. Even with a complete lack of solar charging, the batteries will give over 800 openings on a JUNO system, so you have great back up.Yet today’s solar panels are so much more efficient than only a few years ago, relying on daylight rather than direct sun shine to produce charge.
There are two systems available, JANUS and JUNO, operating on metal or wooden gates and barriers, we can install on existing single or double systems.
Our GSM Drop call system even allows you to open or close your automatic security gates using a mobile or land line phone. Call your gate, it recognises your number and responds accordingly. And if using a mobile, all this happens from anywhere in the world at NO charge!

Now fully automated thanks to Solar Gate Systems, Aldermaston, Berks.
Solar Gate Systems offer a full supply and installation service